Update: What's New in Version 0.8.0

The configuration form

You do not need to change the config.json anymore, now you can do it with the Configuration form. This form appears when the configuration of your repository is not done. You have to set the mandatory fields (username, repository name and the branch) and the domain name if you have one.

Click on the Ok, let’s go! button and you will be redirect to the login form. Then login and the configuration will be save on your repository.

That’s it!

e63f9968 0fd0 11e7 99a0 14e0e3779af7

A new theme is here: The Shell

Some of you wanted to have a dark theme so we added one. You can now use the theme the-shell in your settings, here is a sample of the result with my personal blog:

bb3530ec 0fd1 11e7 93ae 8e8939f6aecd

Some fixes

We have fixed a bug on the generation of tags, thanks to Krzysztof Zbiciński @zbicin.

We have also fixed the highlighting of code blocks, here is a example with the theme casper:

7c4a3d68 0fd2 11e7 85c7 930bebb52ef9

What’s next?

For the next version, we hope to add the static page feature and why not the sitemap generation.

As usual, if you love HubPress, we’d love to hear why you love it. Why not show your love by sharing this post, or perhaps consider donating through PayPal or Gratipay to HubPress.

And if there is something about HubPress you think we can do better, tell us! We can only improve the tool if you open feature requests in GitHub.

Thanks for using HubPress, and keep sharing!

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Update: What's New in Version 0.8.0
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